The end of year show is the place to be for any creative living in Colchester. The private view is the 18/06/10. So come down enjoy a drink or two and take a look at all the third year and foundation work that has had the students so stressed this term.
Also don't forget if your a second year that you are going to be doing this next year so this is the best place to be for ideas for your final major project, how to put the show together, talk to the third years and gather material for your PDP.
The invite, poster and signage for the show has been designed by student designer duo 'the hidden dingbat collective' you can find them here- www.hiddendingbat.com
Also the third year graphics class of 2010 will be at the D&AD New Blood exhibition held at the Truman Building Brick Lane on you can join them on Saturday the 26th of June but you have to register for a ticket via the D&AD web site (its free)