28 May 2011

Hindsight 2011 End of Years Show

Okay you beautiful people, I have been working hard to get this rolling and its definitely moving forward now.

The show will open 22nd on June with the opening reception on Friday 24th June 2011. All zero's, first and second years need to be there to revel in the last few years and we also would like all third years to come along to give them a good send off too!

You can check out Slackspace now and also make sure you support these guys because its a charity organsiation giving artists and outlet for free. So in my book; that's pretty damn good.

Students you should invite loads of people, we are going to be doing workshops on the night as well as loads of great work to look at, and knowing graphics students criticise.

Make it known and get it oan.

23 May 2011

Foundation show @ Slackspace

As Graphics are too have a show here next month; it's worth you all going to check out the excellent work produced for this year's foundation show, 'Hung like a Salon' which opens Weds 25th at 8pm.

There will be a fashion show and some great work to have a look at, so get down there and scope it out.

Support your fellow students!

19 May 2011

Boris and Helen

Helen Macintyre is a an amazing set designer who use sustainable materials in her design. Drawing a lot of inspiration from her and the post below for the end of year show, fun stuff.

Double G studios Robots for T4